Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Chuggin along

It was a bit of a long week. I had two interviews, two birthday dinners, a haunt meeting all in just 3 days spread around between El Cerrito, Modesto, and Morgan Hill. It was exhausting, stressful, and fun. The interviews went well and it seems like I was well received by both- but it may take longer to hear back from one position while the other already offered me the job.

So thats potentially good news... I'm not sure why but I'm just not excited about the one job I have basically secured. Maybe its because I've been going through a lot of bad luck and I feel like theres still a chance for this to go south, or maybe its because the job is something I'm extremely overqualified for and it pays minimum wage. It feels really shitty to only be able to get a part-time minimum wage job after all the other jobs I've had and all the experience I've amassed. I'm trying not to see it as a huge step backwards but yeah... it fucking sucks.

But whatever, beggars cant be choosers and any job is better than no job. Hopefully its temporary, and hopefully I'll get better opportunities soon. Aside from that I've been working hard on haunt stuff, riding the wave of growth they're having over there. Honestly, some days the excitement I get from working on haunt stuff is the only thing that makes me want to get up in the morning (afternoon).

But there is good news- we have internet!!! Our own internet, here at grandma's. Its glorious. Def would recommend. Helps life feel a little more normal at least. And it makes working on everything a lot easier.

Alright well thats all I got for now. My world has become very tiny with few ups and lots of downs. But its all just temporary.

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