Friday, September 4, 2015

Catch up: September 2nd

I am terrified.

I am sitting in the teacher's room at my first school trying not to shit my pants. Soon the morning teachers' meeting will start and I wont be able to understand any of it. Luckily, after that I have a prep period to relax and find out what I'll be doing today. Mostly it sounds like all the teachers had full lessons planned so I'll just be assisting them after doing a short self-intro. Totally fine by me.

Jesus, please dont let me totally flop.

* * *
20 minutes later

Ok, so for my first two classes I'll do a 5 minute introduction then basically help with checking student work or answering questions. Dear god why did I decide to do this. OMG I really need to calm down. No big deal right?

* * *
1 hour later

Ok! First class down! It went ok. Kinda easy actually. Of course I didnt understand any of the bits in Japanese where the teacher was explaining things. Couple of minutes til the next class!


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